• NSF Research Reveals Brits Demand Greater Clarity, Transparency and Standardisation in Food Labelling
74% of Consumers Consider Organic Ingredients Important in Personal Care Products

NSF research demonstrates the growing demand for cleaner choices and third-party certification for skincare, cosmetics and soaps, among other products
NSF erhält deutsche Akkreditierung und stärkt seine Position in der europäischen Wasserproduktzertifizierung

Strategisches Wachstum in Europa etabliert NSF als umfassendsten Anbieter für Wasserprüfung und -zertifizierung
NSF Named Certified Body by UBA, Strengthening its Position in European Water Product Certification

Strategic European growth establishes NSF as the most comprehensive water testing and certification provider
NSF Opens Advanced Water Testing Laboratory in Germany

European manufacturers gain a competitive edge with local NSF/ANSI/CAN 60 and 61 certification testing.
NSF eröffnet fortschrittliches Wassertestlabor in Deutschland: Globale Standards treffen auf lokale Expertise

Europäische Hersteller erhalten Wettbewerbsvorteil durch lokale NSF/ANSI/CAN 60 und 61 Zertifizierungstests.
NSF Opens Cutting-Edge Food Sensory Lab in Romania

Global public health and safety organization’s new lab is poised to empower innovation, safety and quality in the Romanian food industry.
NSF Deschide un Laborator de Analiză Senzorială de Ultimă Generație în România

Noul laborator al organizației globale de sănătate și siguranță publică este pregătit să stimuleze inovația, siguranța și calitatea în industria alimentară românească.
NSF Celebrates 80 Years of Improving Human and Planet Health

NSF has been pioneering public and environmental health since 1944 by developing and implementing public and environmental health standards.
NSF Launches Specialist Market Insight: A Food Regulatory Gateway to New Geographies

NSF enables food brands to enter markets confidently and quickly, using data-driven, actionable insights powered by the innovative technology solution RegASK.
NSF Launches Specialist Market Insight: A Food Regulatory Gateway to New Market Opportunities

NSF enables food brands to enter markets confidently and quickly, using data-driven, actionable insights powered by the innovative technology solution RegASK.
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NSF is an independent, global services organization dedicated to improving human and planet health by facilitating standards development and providing world-class testing, inspection, certification, advisory services and digital solutions to the food, water, health sciences and consumer goods industries. NSF operates in 180 countries and is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Food Safety, Water Quality and Medical Device Safety.